Bobby's Approach: Grace, Gratitude, Guts

If you’re a runner or triathlete, and you want a break through to the next level, I can help you. My name is Bobby McGee. I’ve been involved in endurance coaching for 32 years. I absolutely love the sport. I've spent my years coaching elite athletes and individual amateurs of all levels, guiding them to achieve their goals.

Whether it's helping athletes beat alcoholism or win a championship, I'm grateful for the opportunity to inspire and pass on thirty-plus years of endurance coaching to a broad audience.

There are three very important aspects of endurance training;

Firstly, address your running mechanics. Teach yourself to run effectively and to avoid injuries in order to race at your optimum level. Secondly, look at how you train. What is it about your training that’s holding you back? Is there a way that you can train better? Lastly, address the mental blocks that hold you back. How can you unleash the power of your mind to get you to race effectively?

This is an opportunity to be introspective and to learn and grow as a person through this wonderful sport of running.

Private Consultation

One-on-one Instruction

There is no better way to get the most out of training with Bobby than individual coaching. Your private session is built upon strategies specifically tailored to ensure you reach your goals.

Space is extremely limited, so please contact us at for availability and pricing.


Hourly: $170(billed in 15 minute increments)

Half Day: $600

Full Day: $1,100

Small Group Coaching

Group Instruction

One of the best things these groups have to offer is the opportunity to meet and train with other athletes. Novices especially are always looking for a chance to train in a non-threatening and non-competitive atmosphere.

At the same time, these groups give people a chance to train with experienced athletes who can mentor and teach them all the little minutia that are part of triathlons.

Attendees can connect with training partners who have the same goals, experience, and time commitments to make the training easier and more fun. It is important to keep things fun and light, and at the same time challenge people to push themselves.

Small groups can be 2-5 athletes.


Hourly: $250(billed in 15 minute increments)

Half Day: $850

Full Day: $1,500

Coach Consulting

Please contact Bobby directly at if you are interested in coach training. Space is very limited.


Please contact for price quote

Video Training Tips

Bobby is joined by world-renowned physiologist Dr. Ross Tucker to discuss important training tips.

How to Integrate Exercise Physiology

The Myth of Lactic Acid in Endurance Athletes

The Central Governor Theory in Endurance Athletes

Train to Win Races: The K-Pump Workout - Potassium Pump

Peripheral Muscle Failure in Endurance Athletes

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